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Sunday, February 5, 2012

GFO Illinois Group

Be at the GFO Library next Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m.
There you will hear Duane Funk tell the group about one of the largest ethnic groups to move to Illinois.

If you have German background, you will learn about those who immigrated to the mid-west area.
If you have German background, you will learn about why many who immigrated chose Illinois as a home.
If you have German background, you will learn about contributions the Germans gave to Illinois.

(And if you don’t have Illinois background, you will still see how your German ancestors chose their home, and contributed to their new what is called “transfer of learning”...if Illinois offered particular advantages to the immigrant (not only Germans) that caused immigration to Illinois’ collar states of the mid-west. If it was true in Illinois, it very likely relates in your “home” state and with your nationalities.)

The Illinois Interest Group welcomes not only its members, but also its friends, and those who could become their friends. If you have any interest in German immigration, settlement, and contributions, join the group.

We meet from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the second Saturday of most months. (not July/August/December) And we want to share the story of Illinois and its people with you. No pre-registration or fees are required. Just come and join the group!

Kristy and Harlene