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GFO Insider Extra

Latest news from the Genealogical Forum of Oregon. Info from the Board of Directors; what's new on the website; what's happening at the library.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Just a reminder that the Computer Special Interest Group will be having our bi-monthly meeting this coming Saturday February 18th from 9:30 to 11:30 AM in the rear of the library. (the Higgins Area?)

In accord with our objective to investigate genealogical programs, a presentation will be made by Sue LeBlanc of the PAF program. (Personal Ancestral File which is free and is available via the LDS website This will be a great opportunity to get an overview of this widely used software. Handouts will be available.

After a lunch break, the Master Genealogist Software Users Group meeting will start at Noon and go til 2 PM. The program's publisher has finally released a new version (8) with many improvements. We will be taking a "look under the hood" at some of them. As always there will be a question and (hopefully) answer session as well. If anyone is has already found new features that are helpful and would like to share that discovery I encourage you to attend. This should be an interesting meeting.

Roger Ostrom, Daphne Garrison, coordinators, Computer sig