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GFO Insider Extra

Latest news from the Genealogical Forum of Oregon. Info from the Board of Directors; what's new on the website; what's happening at the library.

Friday, April 29, 2011


I wanted all of you to know that there is a change of date for the GFO's May Irish Interest group meeting. Normally we would meet on Saturday May 21st, but because some members will be attending the "Climbing Your Family tree" genealogical conference in Beaverton,we will have our meeting on Saturday May 7th from 1-3 pm at the GFO in the Huggins room.Please bring a list of Irish resources i.e. web sites, books, pubs, clubs etc. that you know of & would like to share with the group.
Also if anyone would like more information about the genealogical conference in Beaverton, on May 21st, the information is on their web site:
Hope to see you at the meeting on May 7th.

Suzanne Lemon []

Thursday, April 28, 2011


It will be our last session for the summer and I hope you can join us. We want to get started on the scrapbook for GFO and again ask if you have any photos of past GFO events, please bring them for us to scan. Or if you wish, scan them yourself (at 600 dpi and save as Tiff) and e-mail them to me at

I'm fighting a cold, but hope to be better by Sunday and be able to join you for our last session.

Bonnie LaDoe []

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


For those interested in our Beginning Genealogy Classes called "Intro to Genealogy", the freqency of the classes have been changed from every other even month on the 4th Saturday to once quarterly on the 4th Saturday. In between Insider newsletter issues (8 mos a year), please check the Insider Extra feature on our website, as well as the calendar option on the same website.
The next class will be June 25th. Our very capable Connie Lenzen will be leading these classes, which are meant to jump start your family research. These classes should give you resources as well as answer some of your basic questions. Prior sign-up (call or visit the GFO main desk) and a $15 fee should reserve you a seat in Connie's class.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

GFO's German Interest Group

It is exciting to have a German Special Interest Group beginning at our library. We will have the first meeting June 4, at 1PM in the Higgins Room. Mark your calendar!

On Saturday April 16th twelve people attended the planning meeting for the German Interest Group. We shared some information about our German ancestors and topics we would like to explore. These included obtaining records, translations, the history of Germany, and migration patterns to the US. There was also discussion about a format for meetings, possible speakers and field trips.

At our first meeting we will review this information and make plans for the fall. In addition, Tom O'Brien has agreed to speak on "Time and Place". the history of Germany and its many boundary changes using the Centennia mapping program. We look forward to seeing you there.

Nanci Remington

Saturday, April 9, 2011


The lease for the new GFO location in the Ford Building, SE 11th and Division, was signed by President Lyleth Winther April 7, 2011. The terms of the ten-year lease include a starting date of July 1, 2011, providing a period of free access to the space for landlord and tenant modifications and other preparation. In April, May and June, interior design, modifications, and cleaning and painting will occur. Major volunteer crews are needed in late April to paint the ceiling and walls. The two-week moving activity is expected to begin the last week of July.