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GFO Insider Extra

Latest news from the Genealogical Forum of Oregon. Info from the Board of Directors; what's new on the website; what's happening at the library.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The Illinois Interest group has not had a "history of this place" topic in quite a while so this Saturday we will learn all about Galena, Illinois.

Begun 'way before the northern 2/3 of the state, Galena was first an area Native Americans found valuable. Then settlers discovered it and moved in too.

It's in the northern/western corner of the state in an area that belies the flat-land reputation of most of Illinois.

Come and learn
......what made Galena famous.
......who made Galena famous.
......what president counted Galena as his home.
......why Galena was settled so early.
......and why you should pay it a visit sometime.
......Plus much, much more.

It had an effect on our ancestors who were in the state at one time or another.

All Illinois Interest members, and anyone else who would be interested in Genealogy in Illinois, or who are history buffs, are encouraged to join the group for this program.

9:30 to 11:30 am...The Higgins Room at the GFO Library...
on Saturday the 9th of October

I'll be there!...and hoping to see you!